EcmaScript is the standard name for JavaScript (ECMA-262).
This is the main history of the versions:
ECMAScript 3 (December 1999) Used for 10 years.
ECMAScript 4 (Abandoned)
ECMAScript 5 (December 2009)
ES2015 a.k.a. ES6 (class, arrow functions, spread, Promise …)
ES2016 a.k.a. ES7 (…)
ES2017 a.k.a. ES8 (…)
ES2018 a.k.a. ES9 (…)
ES2019 a.k.a. ES10 (…)
ES2020 a.k.a. ES11 (Optional chaining, Nullish Coalescing, dynamic import)
In order use new standards, before 2014/2015, the applications had to wait the updates of the internet browsers from the users, that was not automatic like in the most modern ones.
Many stakeholders from 2014/2015 started pushing for new features, helped by transpilers (source-to-source compilers) like Babel, that allowed to use new language features and extensions and have their code converted to a version compatible with most of the browsers.
In this section we will see the main new features of ECMAScript that are frequently used in MapStore.
This is not a full course of ECMAScript 6 to 11. For the full set of the new features of ECMAScript, you can check the W3C site