.. _Database: Database ======== MapStore supports 3 types of database: - `H2 Database Engine `_ - `PostgreSQL `_ - `Oracle Database `_ In a production environment, the H2 database is NOT RECOMMENDED. In the following section the user can see how to configure a postgreSQL database ready for production. For oracle configuration or for other advanced options please refer the `official documentation `_ Creation -------- To create and configure the database for MapStore in postgreSQL, you will need to: - Create the schema and the tables, using the script available `here `_ .. code-block:: bash # Usually you have a postgres user that can execute these commands sudo su postgres # Create the database and user psql -U postgres -c "CREATE DATABASE geostore;" psql -U postgres -c "CREATE user geostore LOGIN PASSWORD 'geostore' NOSUPERUSER INHERIT NOCREATEDB NOCREATEROLE;" # Download the sql script files wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/geosolutions-it/geostore/master/doc/sql/001_setup_db.sql wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/geosolutions-it/geostore/master/doc/sql/002_create_schema_postgres.sql # execute the SQL scripts psql -U postgres -d geostore -f ./001_setup_db.sql psql -h localhost -U geostore -d geostore -f ./002_create_schema_postgres.sql - **make you sure** that the user geostore has access to the database from the address of MapStore application. You can give permission by editing `pg_hba.conf `_ For instance, if your MapStore is hosted on, you can provide the access adding this line to ``pg_hba.conf`` .. code-block:: text # TYPE DATABASE USER ADDRESS METHOD host geostore geostore md5 Configuration ------------- In the ``WEB-INF/classes`` directory of ``mapstore.war`` you can find a file named ``geostore-datasource-ovr.properties`` that contains the database configuration. Here a sample setup for postgreSQL: .. code-block:: properties # Setup driver and dialect for PostgreSQL database geostoreDataSource.driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver geostoreVendorAdapter.databasePlatform=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect # Connection parameters geostoreDataSource.url=jdbc:postgresql:// geostoreDataSource.username=geostore geostoreDataSource.password=geostore geostoreEntityManagerFactory.jpaPropertyMap[hibernate.default_schema]=geostore # Automatic create-update database mode geostoreEntityManagerFactory.jpaPropertyMap[hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto]=validate # Other options geostoreVendorAdapter.generateDdl=true geostoreVendorAdapter.showSql=false .. note :: Editing these files directly is not suggested because it may be cancelled on the next re-deploy of ``mapstore.war`` (for instance due to an update). For this reason MapStore allows you to configure a *system property* named ``geostore-ovr`` to pass to the JVM with the path to the file to use for the configuration above. In the next sections the externalization will be explained more in detail. .. code-block:: bash # here the path to the ovr file GEOSTORE_OVR_FILE=file:///var/lib/tomcat/conf/geostore-ovr.properties # add the env. variable 'geostore-ovr' to JAVA_OPTS JAVA_OPTS="-Dgeostore-ovr=$GEOSTORE_OVR_FILE [other opts]"